

Address: 208 W Steuben
Contact Name: William Spoonhunter
Business City: Bingen
Business State: WA
Business Phone Number: 5098237884
Long Business Description:

Fresh Wild-Caught Salmon from the Columbia River. All of our Salmon is harvested by tribal fisherman through traditional techniques that date back hundreds and even thousands of years. The spirit of the Salmon is honored as one of the sacred foods, and the utmost care and respect is taken in the handling of our Salmon. Fresh, wild, straight from the source.. Mother Earth.

Address: 108 Hwy 35
Contact Name: Doug Rigdon
Business City: Hood River
Business State: OR
Business Phone Number: 509-961-3260
Long Business Description:

Wholesale, retail salmon, we process, and smoke salmon in a parking-lot and need to upgrade our service FDA standards, to be able to distribute to our local community.